Thursday, December 26, 2013

Where is the Mother of these Childs

 हर रोज की तरह आज सुबह मै काँलेज को जा रहा था। मै हमेशा कही पे भी जाऊ तो हमेशा कुछ जल्दीही जाता हूं। इस कारण हर रोज कि तरह आज भी मै यहा- वहा देखते और सृष्टी का पुरा आनंद उठाकर रास्ते से जा रहा था। वैसे भी अभी काँलेज के सारे बच्चोने रोजाना काँलेज मे आना अभी तक चालु नहि किया है इसलिये मुझे कोइ जल्दि नहि थी।
मेरे काँलेज के नजदिक का लगभक 1 किमी का रोड हरेभरे खेतो से गुजरता हुआ जाता है। सच कहु तो यहा से गुजरते हि मन खुश हो जाता है। हा तो मै यह बताने वाला था कि आज वहा से गुजरते वक्त मुझे अचानक से हि कुछ अजीबसी आवाजे सुनाई देने लगी। मै रास्ते से आवाजो कि तरफ बढ रहा था लेकिन समज नही आ रहा था। मुझे अब थोडा ङर लगने लगा था क्योकी आवाजे पहचान कि नही लग रही थी।
तब मै और आगे बढा तो पाया कि वहा तो 2 बहुत छोटेसे बील्ली के बच्चे चित्रविचित्र आवाजो से अपनी माँ को बुला रहे थे, लेकिन पता नही वो कहा पे थी। शायद किसी आदमी ने उस के घर मे जन्मे बील्ली के बच्चो को घर से दुर यहा खेतो मे छोङ दिया था। जब मै बच्चो के पास पहुंचा तो देखा कि वहा पर तो और 2 बच्चे है। यानी अब कूल मीला के 4 बच्चे हो गये।

जैसे हि मै उनके करीब पहुचा तो दंग रह गया क्यो कि बच्चो को लगा कि मै उनकि माँ हु और सारे बच्चे मेरे तरफ उछल पङे और मेरे पैरोमे घुस कर आराम से बैठ गये। पहले तो मै क्या करू वो समज नही आया और मैने उनको भगाने के लिये शुक-शुक ऐसी आवाज निकाली तो एक बच्चा बहुत डर गया और फसल मे जा छिपा। अब रह गये तीन। ये बङे ही धीट थे और मेरा पीछा छोड नही रहे थे।
मुझे उन पर बहुत दया रही थी, लेकिन करता भी क्या। ये चारो को घर भी नही लेजा सकता था। अगर घर ले जाता तो मेरे घरवाले तो दंग हि रह जाते। फिर मुझे लगा की उनको उनके जीवन की लढाई खुद हि लडनी होगी। अब मै वहा पर और ज्यादा रूक नही सकता था झसलिये चल पडा लेकिन ये बच्चे अब मेरे पिछे ही आने लगे। शायद वो अब फिर से अपनी माँ को दोबारा नही खोना चाहते थे।
मुझे अब तो बहुत बुरा लगने लगा। सोचा अगर मुझे मेरी माँ से दुर कर दिया तो कैसा लगेगा। लेकिन शायद फिरसे माँ से बिछडना हि लिखा था बच्चो के नसीब मे।
मै वहा से नीकल पडा। बच्चो ने थोडी दूरी तक मेरा पीछा कीया लेकिन वे मेरी गती से नहि आपाये और वही रह गये।
बाद मे काँलेज के चक्कर मे मै सब भूल ही गया। फिर जब काँलज छुटा तो उसी रास्ते से घर जाने लगा तो मुझे बच्चो कि याद गयी। मै उनको ढुढ रहा था लेकिन वहा पे कोई भी नही था।
क्या उनको उनकी माँ वापस मील गयी? क्या उनको कोई उठा ले गया? क्या वो किसी को अपनी माँ समज के उसके पीछे चले गये? इत्यादी अनुत्तरीत प्रश्नो को मेरे मन मे लिये मै मेरे माँ के पास मेरे घर मे चला आया।

Monday, December 23, 2013

Save The Nature Organization (STNO)

Hello friends,

I am very happy to announce that I have started a worldwide organization that works for Nature named as “Save The Nature Organization (STNO)". The idea behind formation of such organization is to spread awareness about Nature in the entire world. But still question may arise in your mind that why there is need of such organization? I think such type of organization will help to group peoples with similar objectives, the members of this organization can share the thoughts and ideas for saving our Nature with each other, members can know different and new techniques to preserve our Mother Nature, and members can appreciate each other’s work so that one can work with his full dedication and efficiency in future. So my aim is simple and straight, I just want to work for Nature and make our earth clean green and healthier for our next generations. I don't know what will happen in future but today is in our hand. I can't predict the success of this organization but I think my objective behind formation of this organization will get achieved if STNO can ever save a single tree from the world.

You all are welcome to join STNO, you can join simply by filling joining form which is available on this website or you can join STNO on face book page, the link is as follows,

If you have any suggestions or any query regarding this organization then please let me know. Your comments are always welcome and I am waiting for you to join STNO for our Mother Nature.


Swapnil Chitnis.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Result of Nature blog competition 2013

Hey friends good evening,

Now finally the day has come when I have to announce the winners of the Nature blog competition 2013. But initially I want to share my experience of the Nature blog competition from the start of the day up to the end.

To be frank the response to the contest is low as compared to my expectations. I know this my first time to organize such event, my blog is very young with little friend circle, I haven't my own domain name and I have less maturity for organizing such event and lot more things that I have learn from this contest. But overall by considering all the things, I can say that the event is satisfactory. Lot of work is required to do for increasing the awareness in the people for Nature.

Now regarding the winners,

To be honest there were only 3 entries for the contest. I am thankful to all these 3 participants for showing interest and participating in the contest. These participants also encourage me time to time.

Below is the list of participants, sequencing as per participated date,



All of these have wonderful blogs about Nature. Everyone has unique content and No doubt all have spread awareness in the society about Nature by their hard work. All these blogger have set a milestone and definitely all the newbie’s will follow their contribution towards Nature, for making our future beautiful.

I don’t think we can judge them and can give them 1st 2nd or any rank for their contribution to Nature, in my sight all are winners.

Hence I am declaring here that all of the three listed bloggers are winners for the individual category they blog for. It's been our honor that these bloggers have participated and guided us in the journey towards Green Nature. Finally I want to say that whatever may be the outcome of this contest, definitely I have made a friend circle who is passionate about working for our Mother Nature and everybody’s goal is to aware the world about our Nature to have a clean, green and healthier Nature.

With lot of these positives I sincerely thank to all my blog readers, Indi blogger friends who encouraged me every time during this contest.

Next time if I will organize such event again then surly you will see improvements in all respects.





Saturday, December 14, 2013


General Information -We all know Eagle for his strength and power. Eagle holds top position in the food chain as a predator. There are more than sixty species of Eagle in the world and most of them are found in Africa and Europe.

There are some species commonly found in India and Asian countries such as Indian spotted Eagle. Eagles are large, powerfully built birds of prey, with a heavy head and beak. The beak is typically heavier than that of most other birds of prey. Eagles' eyes are extremely powerful, having up to 3.6 time’s human acuity for the martial eagle, which enables them to spot potential prey from a very long distance. This keen eyesight is primarily attributed to their extremely large pupils which ensure minimal diffraction (scattering) of the incoming light. The female of all species of eagle known is larger than the male.

Nest- Eagles normally build their nests, called eyries, in tall trees or on high cliffs. Eagles don’t like human presence near their nests and hence generally the nests are built on very high trees or on the hilly areas where human and other animals can’t reach. The nest is made up of sticks, leaves and tree branches. The size of the nest is large so that nest can accommodate two hatchlings at a time.

Eggs- Generally two eggs are lay by Eagle. They are white in color. Some time only one egg get hatched and other get wasted. Around 37 hours are required for complete hatching and it is reported that the older hatchling will kill and eat the younger one. When there is food and water scarcity, Eagle parents’ hatches only one egg so as to manage the workload of parents.

Food habits- Eagles mostly eat smaller animals like rabbits, turtles, lizards, fish, frogs, snakes, squirrels and other smaller birds.

Life Span- Around 30 years.

Peacock (Indian Peafowl)

General Information- Peacock is a colorful bird commonly found in India. Peacock is famous worldwide due its colorful feathers and the rain dance. The male is called a peacock, the female a peahen, and the offspring peachicks. The Indian Peafowl is found mainly on the ground in open forest or on land under cultivation where they forage for berries, grains but will also prey on snakes, lizards, and small rodents. Their loud calls make them easy to detect, and in forest areas often indicate the presence of a predator such as a tiger. Peacock cannot flight at high altitudes and even cannot flight for longer distances, instead of that peacock can run fast to protect himself from the enemies. Peacock can fly for smaller distances with lower heights from one tree to another. Most of the time peacock presents on the ground for searching of food and water. Small bushes are the favorite locations of peacock as they provide shelter from the other animals. During mating seasons the male attracts the female by showing her the beautiful feathers. In India, it is believed that when rain comes, peacock starts dancing with feather show because peacock likes rain very much.

Nest- Peafowl are forest birds that nest on the ground but roost in trees. The nest is made of grass and tree branches. Generally we cannot find the nest easily because it is located in the roots of the trees.

Eggs- Peacock can lay 4 – 5 eggs at a time. Eggs are white in color. Around 28 days are required for hatching the eggs. Hatching is done by female.

Food habits- Peafowl are omnivorous and eat seeds, insects, fruits, small mammals and reptiles. They also eat crops such as groundnut, tomato, paddy, chilly and even bananas.

Life Span- Average 20 years.

Greater coucal (भारद्वाज)

General Information- Greater coucal (भारद्वाज) is a big bird from Asian country having brown wings on the black body with red color eyes. They are large, crow-like with a long tail and coppery brown wings and found in wide range of habitats from jungle to cultivation and urban gardens. They are weak fliers, and are often seen clambering about in vegetation or walking on the ground as they forage for insects, eggs and nestlings of other birds. They have a familiar deep resonant call which is associated with omens in many parts of its range.
Due to less flying power, these birds prefer walking and running near small bushes and often they are spotted during crossing the roads. Due to road crossing, many of the Greater coucals found dead due to striking with the cars. Greater coucals have spiritual importance in India. It is believed that watching the Greater coucal will make your day very good and happy. Also many people search for the bird on the Indian New Year which brings the entire New Year with happiness and prosperity.
Nest- The nest is built mostly by the male over about three to eight days. The nest is a deep cup with a dome in dense vegetation inside tangles of creepers, bamboo clump or Pandanus crowns. They can be built as high as 6m above the ground. But generally we cannot locate the nest easily.
Eggs- Greater coucal generally laid 3 to 4 eggs. The eggs are chalky white with a yellow glaze when laid that wears off. Eggs required around 15 days of incubation.
Food habits- Greater coucal generally eat insects, bird eggs, nestlings, fruits and seeds. They are searching the food on the ground around the bushes and on the grass land.
Life Span- Not available.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Hurry up friends; last 5 days are remaining for participation

Hurry up friends; last 5 days are remaining for participation in Nature blog competition 2013. I am heartily welcome you to participate and show your talent and passion for Nature to everyone in the world.

To know more about this competition and how to apply for it, please visit the following link,


If you have any doubts then please let me know.

Thanks to every one for reading the post, I am waiting for your participation.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Saving life of Scorpion

I strongly believe that we have no rights to finish anybodies life. Hence I always try to save the lives of the animals and birds which are in trouble.
Yesterday my Father wants to remove water droplets which were fall on the bike due to rain with a cloth which is laid in the garden. They picked up the cloth and started cleaning the bike. Suddenly they saw a scorpion on the cloth. Immediately they called me for watching it. Then they decided to kill the scorpion as it is very dangerous if released as it is near the house. Scorpion may enter in my house and can bite anyone of us. Actually my father was very fortunate as the scorpion does not bite them even though there were few centimeter gaps between my father’s hand and scorpion.
After understanding the situation I decided to rescue the scorpion. I immediately went back to home and searched for something so as to catch the scorpion. Then I got a bucket which can be used to catch scorpion safely. Then I pushed the scorpion in the bucket.

After that I safely released the scorpion away from the town so that Scorpion cannot interfere with any other person in the future.