Thursday, June 27, 2013

How to lower electricity bills and save money

There are many ways by which any one can lower his/her electricity bill. Here I have collected some of the ideas which can save money by saving use of electricity.

·       Use solar water heaters instead of heating the water through electric heaters or gas geezers. The initial cost of the solar water heating system is high but the operating cost is zero and the payback period is generally around 5 – 6 years. That means after 6 years you will get hot water without any cost.

·       Use CFL bulbs instead of the regular tungsten bulb. These fluorescent bulbs operate on lower voltage and consume very less electric power as compared with the old generation bulbs.

·       Always shut down the computers, laptop and TV sets when not required. Generally many people power off their screen and lock the computer but in that case CPU is still running and consumes some amount of energy as compared with total shut down. Hence when we are not using our computers still the computer uses electricity and will cost us.

·       Always shut off the lights when not required. Many times peoples were sitting in one room and lights from all rooms were still on. I don’t understand this behavior because if you are not in that room then who is using the light? Hence whenever you have to stay in that room then only switch on the light bulbs.

·       Before purchasing air conditioners always decide our requirement. You can go for split ac or for central ac. Both have different purposes. Hence if you have many rooms for cooling then go for split ac by which you can turn off cooled air supply of any particular room when not required. Always discuss all aspects with the service engineer before purchasing any electronic appliances.

·       Do not run refrigerator on no loads or on partial load conditions. This will unnecessarily consumes more electricity than actually required.

·       Try to use non conventional power sources than conventional sources. Try to go for utilization of solar energy, wind energy, hydraulic energy whenever possible.

·       During purchasing or building new home, try to get benefit of natural wind circulation. These natural air circulations will lower your air conditioning bill. In many places where there is good amount of air flow most of the times air conditioners not required.

·       Use solar panels for street lighting and garden lightening.

·       Always purchase energy efficient products. This not only reduces energy bills but also reduce burden of energy supply of Nation.

·       If you have your own industry or workshops then perform energy audits regularly. Energy audit discovers the opportunities available for improvements. By using the inputs from energy audits we can run industry with optimum power consumption.


Note – Before applying any of the above technique please consult with the service engineer. These are only the guidelines provided to save electricity and save Nature.

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