Monday, January 19, 2015

Best dietary supplement for any age - Chyawanprash

With 21st century human achieves tremendous development in the technology field. With the evolution of mankind our lives becomes more and more comfortable. But during this development we pollute our Mother Nature. Air pollution and water pollution are top two pollutions which affects the life very badly. Because of the highly dangerous content of the pollutants, our body’s immune system becomes weak. Especially the immune system of our child affects in a greater way. The students are under continuous pressure of the competition. The day of our child start with competition and ends with competition so there is very little chances for parents to keep their eyes on them. The food that the children eat is also contributing in weakening their immune system. Because of the schools, colleges, tuition classes and other classes like dancing class, singing class, Educational class the students remain outside the home for nearly 10 to 14 hours a day. So it is very important to keep the child healthy and strong enough to fight with any problem associated with the life.
There are so many health issues arises in this century like swine flu, Ebola, Bird flu which transmit through air and water very easily. So to fight against these health challenges the immune system should be strong. One of the ways to stay healthy and fit is the regular use of Chyawanprash. Chyawanprash is a ancient Indian medicine which was first used by the rushi Chyawan. Chyawan rishi regains the youth after eating the Chyawanprash which was said to be prepared by the Doctors of the GOD, Ashwini kumar. Chyawanprash is a very important Ayurvedic dietary food supplement used in all over the India from ancient time. The Chyawanprash is made up of different herbs and Ayurvedic medicines. Depending upon the availability there may be 24 to 80 different herbs can be used in making the Chyawanprash. The main ingradients are Ashwagandha, bamboo manna, blue Egyptian water lily, cardamom, chebulic , yrobalan, Chinese cinnamon, cinnamon bark, clove, Indian rose chestnut, country mallow, feather foil, plant, asparagus, amla, galls, ghee, Raisins, Round zedoary, sandalwood, sesame oil, Spreading hogweed, Sugar, Tiger's claw or Ice plant, Wild black gram, Wild green gram, Winter cherry etc.
Advantages of Chyawanprash to our body
  • The immune system of our body becomes strong.
  • The Chyawanprash helps to keep our body safe from bacterial, fungal and viral attacks.
  • The Chyawanprash is good for digestion system.
  • The Chyawanprash is good for respiratory system.
  • The Chyawanprash helps to purify the blood. It also keeps away the bacterial infection from the blood.
  • And the main advantage of the Chyawanprash is that it is having highest amount of Vitamin C  and natural antioxidants which prevent the aging of the body
  • Chyawanprash is suitable for any age. Chyawanprash is good for children as well as for old age people.

So by use of properly prepared Chyawanprash our body gains the youth back and we stay healthier and younger for more time.
Dabur is one of the best brand that manufactures the Ayurvedic Chyawanprash. You can get more information on this link,
This article is written as a inspiration because of the campaign which is jointly started by Indiblogger and Dabur.

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