Friday, December 12, 2014

Beautiful Melbourne - World's most livable place on entire earth

Have you ever visited Australia?  With beautiful landscapes and loving people Australia is the most beautiful place on the earth. Australian island is one of the world’s most old islands and that’s why Australia has unique species of mammals, reptiles and plants. About 85% of flowering plants, 84% of mammals, more than 45% of birds, and 89% of in-shore, temperate-zone fish are endemic. Australia has the greatest number of reptiles of any country, with 755 species. A koala holding onto a eucalyptus tree with its head turned so both eyes are visible. The koala and the eucalyptus form an iconic Australian pair. Australian forests are mostly made up of evergreen species; particularly eucalyptus trees in the less arid regions, wattles replace them in drier regions and deserts as the most dominant species.

Now in Australia, Melbourne is one of most famous cities in the subcontinent. Now the main fact about this Melbourne city is that it is not only the leading financial centre of Australia and Australia's cultural capital but it is the World’s most livable city since 2011. Melbourne is rated highly in the areas of education, entertainment, healthcare, research and development, tourism and sports. Melbourne is located on the large natural bay of Port Phillip, with its City Centre situated at the northernmost point of the bay – near to the estuary of the Yarra River. So my friends it will be the most fantastic experience for all of us to visit such a beautiful city which is recognized by entire world.
I can say that Melbourne is the heart of Australia. This is totally true because Melbourne is the birthplace of Australian dance styles; the Melbourne Shuffle and New Vogue, the Australian film industry (including the world's first feature film), Australian impressionist art (known as the Heidelberg School), Australian rules football and the Australian television industry. In more recent years, it has been recognized as a UNESCO City of Literature and a major centre for street art. It is home to many of Australia's largest and oldest cultural institutions such as the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, the Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne Museum, Melbourne Zoo, the National Gallery of Victoria and the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Royal Exhibition Building.
Melbourne has everything to experience. There are many fantastic sites one can visit in Melbourne such as Yarra river, Federation square, Royal exhibition building, Melbourne cricket ground, National gallery of Victoria, Eureka skydeck, The Great Ocean Road, Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne, Lightning Ridge Opal Mines, National Gallery of Victoria, State Library of Victoria, St. Patrick's Cathedral, Melbourne Zoo, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Arts Centre Melbourne and so many…..

Now if I got chance to visit Melbourne in future then I will visit my favorite following places in the Melbourne.

The National Gallery of Victoria

The National Gallery of Victoria popularly known as the NGV is an art museum in Melbourne. Founded in 1861, it is the oldest public art museum in Australia. The NGV's Australian art collection encompasses Indigenous (Australian Aboriginal) art and artifacts, Australian colonial art, Australian Impressionist art, 20th century, modern and contemporary Australian art.

The NGV has an encyclopedic collection of art. In addition to the Australian collections, international collection areas include European painting (historical and modern), fashion and textiles, photography, prints and drawings, Asian art, decorative arts, Mesoamerican art, Pacific art, sculpture, antiquities, and contemporary art. It has strong collections in areas as diverse as old masters, Greek vases, Egyptian artifacts and historical European ceramics, and contains the largest and most comprehensive range of artworks in Australia.
So as per my opinion The National Gallery of Victoria is one of most beautiful places to visit in Australia.


As a naturalist I personally like Natural places to visit. Without Nature human is nothing. I can’t imagine living in concrete jungles without having any trees around. So for those who love Nature they must see Melbourne zoo. Over 250 species from around the world can be found in the beautifully landscaped settings of Melbourne Zoo, just five minutes from the city centre. Stroll through Asian and African rainforests, where tigers roam through the trees and monkeys swing from the branches, then take the time to stop and see eye to eye with beautiful orangutans in their special elevated exhibit. Explore the award-winning Trail of the Elephants or view koalas, platypus, kangaroos, wombats and other unique native wildlife in the Australian bush setting.

I can’t explain you in the words that how much I love these types of places. So don’t forget to visit Melbourne zoo in Australia.


This is another best place to visit in Melbourne. You can experience complete sea life here. Home to thousands of aquatic animals, including one of Australia's largest Saltwater Crocodiles, SEA LIFE Melbourne Aquarium takes you on an interactive adventure from the depths of the ocean to the icy waters of Antarctica.

The stunning Croc Lair Exhibit is just one of the 12 new zones of discovery at SEA LIFE Melbourne Aquarium, where you can wonder at the world's only display of Elephant Sharks in Bay of Rays, be mesmerized as you experience a rainbow of colors at Seahorse Pier and marvel at the majestic King and cheeky Gentoo penguins in Penguin Playground. With interactive animal encounters, iconic state-of-the-art displays, and animal feeds, SEA LIFE Melbourne Aquarium is an excellent, educational and engaging experience, not to be missed.


Australia is well known for 3 things. One is Kangaroo, second is Ostrich and the most important third one is Cricket. Australia is nothing without cricket. So in Melbourne the must visit place is Melbourne cricket ground. Affectionately known as 'The G' to locals and cricketing fans the world over, the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) is a cultural icon and one of the most important cricket grounds in the world. The spiritual home of Australian cricket as well as the Australian Football League (AFL), the MCG has also played host to countless high profile events, including the 1956 Olympics, the 2006 Commonwealth Games, and concerts by the Rolling Stones and Madonna.

With a massive seating capacity of 100,000, the MCG hosts more than 90 days of cricket and Australian Football each year, with more than 3.5 million excitable fans passing through the gates each year. It is the 11th-largest stadium in the world, the largest in Australia, the largest in the Southern Hemisphere, the largest stadium for playing cricket, and has the highest light towers at any sporting venue.
So MCG is one of the legendary grounds in the history of cricket. MCG is the dream ground for all new comers who want to do something for the Nation.
Tourism of Melbourne also promotes the visitors to visit such a beautiful place on earth. To know more click here. Also There are many beautiful videos of "Come Alive in Melbourne" available on YouTube. You can watch them here and here.

There are still so many things remains to write about Melbourne and the Australia but actually I think the places and travel destinations are endless so it is better to see those places by directly visiting Australia.

Now I want to ask you one question
"Which of these places would you want to visit in Melbourne and why?"
please write your answers in the comment area.

Note: Images and some information is taken from following websites,

Thank you for providing this information.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

स्वच्छ भारत अभियान - हमारा कर्तव्य

आज कल के अखबारो मेँ लगभग रोज मोदीजी ने शूरु किये स्वच्छ भारत अभियान कि खबरे आती है। बहुत अच्छी बात है। लेकिन मेरे मन मे एक सवाल आता हे कि ये अभियान शुरु क्यो करना पडा? क्या हम भारतीय गंदगी फैलाते है कि जो बाद मे हमारे माननीय प्रधानमंत्रीजी को साफ करनी पडे?
जरा सोचिये कि कौन है हम? हम वहि है कि जिनको हजारो साल पुराना इतिहास हेँ। हमारे ऋषि मुनियोँ ने प्राचीन काल मे हि सारे जगत को वेदोँ का ज्ञान दिया। हम भारतीय गौरवशाली परंपरा के साथ पैदा हूए है। लेकिन आज देखा जाऐ तो भारत मे जहा देखो वहाँ गंदगी का साम्राज्य है। हमारी सबसे पवित्र नदि गंगा आज सबसे अस्वच्छ नदियोँ मे अग्र स्तानपर है। जिस नदि को जीवन वाहिनी कहा जाता था आज उसे साफ करने कि नोबत आ गई है। पूराने जमाने कि साफ नदि गंदि हो गयी है। अब बताओ कौन है इसका जिम्मेदार?
आज दुनिया कि सबसे बडी आबादी भारत मेँ बसी है, इसमे से काफी सारे लोग शौचालय का इस्तेमाल नहि करते। नदि नालोँ का परिसर इन लोगोँ ने गंदगी फैलाने के लीये अपनाया है। इस कारण अनेक रोगोँ को फैलने का मौका मिलता है। पानी के जरिये खतरनाक जीवाणु और विषाणु हमारे आसपास आ जाते है। अगर स्वास्थ्यप्रद स्थितियां या बेहतर स्वस्थ माहौल की बात की जाए तो इसमें निजी साफ-सफाई से लेकर आसपास का साफ-सुथरा माहौल भी शामिल होता है। यूं भी पानी से जुड़ी बीमारियों या प्रदूषित पानी, खराब स्वास्थ्य और गरीबी का एक खास दायरा गंदे पानी और साफ-सफाई की खराब स्थितियों की वजह से सामने आता है। साफ-सफाई का ध्यान न रखने से पानी प्रदूषित होता है। प्रदूषित पानी यानी जिसमें गंदगी की वजह से सूक्ष्म जीव पैदा होने लगते हैं। दुनिया की 26 अरब से ज्यादा की आबादी में से 40 प्रतिशत बुनियादी सफाई सुविधाओं से महरूम है। दुनिया में एक अरब से भी ज्यादा लोग प्रदूषित पानी का इस्तेमाल पीने के लिए करते हैं। बीमारियों और खराब स्वास्थ्य का सीधा संबंध गंदे पानी, सफाई का अभाव और अस्वस्थकर स्थितियों से है। गंदे पानी और गंदगी से डायरिया, टाइफाइड, पाराटाइफाइड, बुखार, हेपेटाइटिस ए, हेपेटाइटिस ई और एफ, फ्लूरोसिस, आर्सेनिक जनित बीमारी जैसी बीमारियां होती हैं। कुछ दूसरी बीमारियां हैं:- लेजिनोलिसिस, मेथमोग्लोबीनेमिया, सिन्टोसोमिएसिस, आंत का संक्रमण, डेंगू, मलेरिया, जापानी इंसेफलाइटिस। वेस्टनील वायरस संक्रमण, येलो फीवर और इम्पेटिगो यानी त्वचा से संबंधित बीमारी भी हो सकती है।
 हम लोग यहॉ वहॉ कचरा फेँकते है, जिस जगह काम करते है वह जगह भी हम साफ सुधरी नहि रखते कि जिस कारण हमारे मन मे काम करने कि इच्छा पैदा नहि होती। अगर कार्य स्थल स्वच्छ हो तो मन प्रसन्न रहता है और हम पुरी एकाग्रता से कोइभी कठिण काम आसानी से कर पातेँ है। शरिर निरोगी हो तो मन भी उत्साहीत रहता है। स्वस्थ जीवन जीने के लिए स्वच्छता का विशेष महत्व है। स्वच्छता अपनाने से व्यक्ति रोग मुक्त रहता है और एक स्वस्थ राष्ट्र निर्माण में अपना महत्वपूर्ण योगदान देता है। अत: हर व्यक्ति को जीवन में स्वच्छता अपनानी चाहिए और अन्य लोगों को भी इसके लिए प्रेरित करना चाहिए। इसी मुद्दे पर indiblogger ने एक महत्वपूर्ण प्रतियोगीता का आयोजन किया है। इसको अधिक जानने के लिये यहाॅ क्लिक करे
आज कल के जमाने मे प्रदुषण बहूत बड गया है। इसमे तीन प्रकार के प्रमुख विभाग है, पहला है जलिय उसके बाद हवा प्रदुषण और फिर है भुमी प्रदुषण। आज मानव ने औद्योगिक क्रांति करते हुए अपना जीवन स्तर काफि बेहतर बनाया है। बड़े पैमाने पर हुए औद्योगीकरण एंव नगरीकरण ने नगरों में बढ़ती जनसंख्या एवं निकलने वाले द्रव एंव ठोस अवशिष्ट पदार्थ मिट्टी को प्रदूषित कर रहें हैं। ठोस कचरे के कारण आज भूमि में प्रदूषण अधिक फैल रहा है। ठोस कचरा प्राय: घरों, मवेशी-गृहों, उद्योगों, कृषि एवं दूसरे स्थानों से भी आता है। इसके ढेर टीलों का रूप ले लेते हैं क्योंकि इस ठोस कचरे में राख, काँच, फल तथा सब्जियों के छिल्के, कागज, कपड़े, प्लास्टिक, रबड़, चमड़ा, इंर्ट, रेत, धातुएँ मवेशी गृह का कचरा, गोबर इत्यादि वस्तुएँ सम्मिलित हैं। हवा में छोड़े गये खतरनाक रसायन सल्फर, सीसा के यौगिक जब मृदा में पहुँचते हैं तो यह प्रदूषित हो जाती है। पोषकता बढ़ाने के लिए मानव भूमिमें रासायनिक उर्वरकों को एवं कीटनाशकों का जमकर इस्तेमाल कर रहा है।  इसके साथ ही पौधों को रोगों व कीटाणुओं तथा पशु पक्षियों से बचाने के लिए छिड़के जाने वाले मैथिलियान, गैमेक्सीन, डाइथेन एम ४५, डाइथेन जेड ७८ और २,४ डी जैसे हानिकारक तत्त्व प्राकृतिक उर्वरता को नष्ट कर मृदा की साधना में व्यतिक्रम उत्पन्न कर इसे दूषित कर रहे हैं जिससे इसमें उत्पन्न होने वाले खाद्य पदार्थ विषाक्त होते जा रहे हैं और यही विषाक्त पदार्थ जब भोजन के माध्यम से मानव शरीर में पहुँचते हैं तो उसे नाना प्रकार की बीमारियां हो जाती हैं। 

 आज हमारे पास सबकुछ है लेकिन प्रगति के साथ साथ मानव ने आसपास का पर्यावरण विषैला बनाया है। मेरे दोस्तो वो दिन दुर नहि जिस दिन हमारी अगली पीढियाँ साँस लेने के लिए हमेशा मास्क का इस्तेमाल करेँगी। आज जरुरत आन पडी है की सबको मिलके इस गंदगी को न की साफ करना होगा बल्कि इस गंदगी को जड से मिटाना होगा। डबल्युएचओ के रिपोर्ट के अनुसार दुनिया भर में 120 करोड़ लोग खुले में शौच करते हैं। क्योंकि उन्हें शौचालय उलब्ध नहीं है। इनमें से आधे से अधिक भारतीय हैं। इस देश के 66 करोड़ लोगों के पास शौचालय की सुविधा नहीं है। यह उस देश का हाल है। जिसे दुनिया एक उभरती आर्थिक महाशक्ति मानते हैं।

मेरे भाईयो और बहनो यह विषय दिखाई देता है उतना आसान नहि है, सिर्फ हात मेँ झाडू ले के आसपास कि गंदगी साफ करने से कुछ नहि हो ने वाला। क्या आपको पता है कि आप साँस से शरीर के अंदर लेने वाली हवा मे क्या है? मेरे दोस्तो आप को साफ दिखने वाली हवा मेँ सिर्फ ऑक्सिजन ही नहि बल्कि बहुत हि हानिकारक वायु भी है कि जैसे कि हायड्रोकार्बन, कार्बन मोनॉक्साईड, विषैले धातु कि जैसे लिड, कैडमियम और रेडिएटिव प्रदुषक भी पाए जाते है। हम जो पानी इस्तेमाल करते है कि जो नदियो से हमे मिलता है उसीमे हम शहरोँ के गटर का पानी छोडते है। अगर आप मेँ से कोई पुना शहर गया हो तो आपने देखा होगा की मुळा मूठा नदि की हालत क्या हो गयी है। दोस्तो खेद से कहना पडता है कि यह तो अति प्रदुषित गंदगी भरे पानी का नाला है।
आज यह सब बताने की जरुरत आन पडि है यह बहुत हि खेद की बात है। मुझे मालुम है की आप मे से लगभग 99% लोगो ने कभी ना कभी कुडा कचरा आसपास के नैसर्गिक स्त्रोतो मेँ फेका होगा। अगर हमे गंदगी जड से खतम करनी हो तो हर भारतीय को स्वच्छता को मन से अपनानी होगी। आसपास कोई नहि देख रहा है इसका मतलब यह नहि है की आप चाहेँ वहा कचरा फेँके बल्कि आप को यह आदत अपनानी है कि चाहे कुछ भी हो लेकिन यह धरती मेरी माँ है और यह मेरा कर्तव्य है की मेँ इसे गंदा ना करुँ। गंदगी नहि फैलाई तो साफसफाई करने कि जरुरत हि नहि क्योँ सहि हेँ ना?

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Eco Friendly Kitchen Ideas to save our Nature

Kitchen is the center place for any family where everyone meets at the evening, have food together, children do their homework etc. Kitchen is most frequently used place in the house. As it is one of the busiest places in the house, this is where most of the energy (electricity) is consumed. According to one survey, energy, lighting, refrigeration and cooking are responsible for almost 50% of a home’s energy consumption. Do not forget to add dishwashers and washing machines to your power eater’s list. Using environmentally friendly cleaning products, recycling and using biodegradable bin liners are just a few ways families are going green in the kitchen. However one of the most important and significant changes many households are making is buying and using energy efficient kitchen appliances.

Here are some of the eco friendly kitchens ideas that can help you save on your energy bills and help make the environment little better:


Refrigerators consume the most energy only after heating systems. If you are buying a new refrigerator, buy them with Energy Star label (which designates appliances that use 10 to 50 percent less energy than standard models). Also consider buying a refrigerator that fits your requirements, do not buy huge one if you are only 3 members in the family.

Dishwashers and Washing Machines

Buy a water efficient washing machine that can save water and electricity. Use dishwasher and washing machines wisely, only use it when you have full load ready to go.

Waste Disposal machines

They help reduce the physical amount of food waste down to small pieces. You can use compost on your houseplants or garden where worms can compost down the food waste more efficiently.

Kitchen Trash Separators

Look for kitchen recycling bins that allow you to easily separate trash, in terms of paper, food, bottles, plastics, etc.

Energy Saving through Proper Lighting

Generally there are two or three light settings such as general, task lighting, and mood lighting. The kitchen should be designed in such a way that in day time sun light can be used at most of the places which saves energy. Low voltage systems for task and mood lighting are highly appreciated in modern kitchen designs. New age kitchen designers use the concept of skylight that brings natural light in the kitchen and makes the environment pleasant.

Other Energy Saving Kitchen Appliances

Use eco friendly kettles for your regular tea and coffee needs. Consider using new generation ovens that doesn’t require pre-heating.

By purchasing energy efficient appliances you’re not only doing your part to help protect the environment, you’re also helping your pocket and saving a substantial sum on energy costs too. Let’s go green and make this world better place to live!

About The Author
Paradise Kitchens is your perfect choice for kitchen renovations, quality kitchen designs and kitchen appliances. Paradise Kitchens can manufacture kitchens, bathroom vanities & laundries in a particulate format to indulge consumer needs and wants at their satisfaction
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Hybrid Vehicles - Easy Way to Prevent Pollution

From the recession time, most of the people have been switching from driving luxurious utility vehicles to driving fuel efficient vehicles. But these types of hybrid vehicles are in the earlier phase of manufacturing. But those who are searching for these vehicles can easily access It gives you the huge collection of vehicles which surely fulfills your every requirement. Here, the collection is available at reasonable rate.

Many leading automobile manufacturing companies start producing these hybrid vehicles. Before designing the model of this car, expert considers all the needs of the buyers. Every auto part of this car is of high quality. Form the day of launching this vehicle, the number of customers is increasing rapidly. From younger to elder, everyone likes to drive this car. The concept of hybrid vehicles is become popular in all over the world. Countries like United States, South Africa, England and Australia use these types of vehicles.

Apart from it technical aspects, it helps to make the environment clean and clear. It also supports to boost fuel economy. To maintain these hybrid vehicles you no need to spend a large amount of money. While purchasing any hybrid vehicle, always remember to go through other options.

If you will maintain this hybrid vehicles in the good condition by doing regular servicing, every time it will give you the best driving performance. Many famous personalities use this vehicle to promote this concept. Once you will experience this vehicle, you will surely don’t want to search for other vehicles which are available option. This vehicle is the most affordable vehicle nowadays. Due to its easy, maintenance, most of the people prefer to buy hybrid vehicles. It is the best example of latest technology. To make this vehicle, experts use latest techniques.

In these hybrid vehicles, you will see a powerful engine which helps to boost the performance of the vehicle. Most of its features are similar to the ordinary car. By following proper manual guidelines, you can easily convert your current vehicle to this hybrid vehicle. All you to do is just buy the whole toolkit. It makes your current vehicle highly efficient. The range of this vehicle is having classic exterior and royal interior. They are available in the various sizes. Hence, depend upon your requirement and choice; you can easily select your ideal hybrid vehicle. Mechanically, this car has fewer problems as compared to other vehicles. Due to its different technology its performance never gets affected. In fact, it helps to give the high class performance.

To get more information on these hybrid vehicles, you can search on the internet. There you will surely get a suitable list of results. Don’t forget to buy this vehicle from authorized of official website. Most of the dealers provide free servicing for certain period of time. According to environment point of view, this vehicle is much more beneficial to reduce the global warming effect. It also helps to reduce dependency on the fossil fuel resources.
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Applications and Advantages of Parabolic Solar Systems over Flat plate systems

Solar energy systems have been around for years but their efficiencies are low due to heat loss and inefficient collection of the days solar energy. The most efficient shape for a solar collector is the parabolic shape since it can focus the suns energy on a small heat exchanger, 10 x 10. By concentrating the suns energy onto a focal point, less collection surface area is required and that lowers costs. In addition, parabolic solar collectors can have dual tracking capabilities. Traditional technologies are placed in a static, south-facing position to capture as much of the suns radiation as they can. These systems hit their peak efficiencies for about two hours per day. However parabolic solar collectors can track the sun throughout the day which makes them 220% more efficient than flat panels.

Parabolic concentrators are like magnifiers that focus the suns energy on a small area. This intense heat cannot be achieved by flat panels or evacuated tubes. In order to gain the same thermal energy from evacuated tube panels you would need approximately 610m2 of panels, compared to a 10 x 10 collector.

The other advantage, of parabolic solar systems is that they do not suffer from stagnated heat conditions, as flat panel and evacuated tube systems do. Flat panels and evacuated tubes are, by their very nature, susceptible to heat stagnation. This occurs when the heat collected cannot be extracted from the collectors because the application has all the heat it requires. The tubes and panels cannot move out of the sun and as a result continue to collect energy which can be damaging and dangerous. Solar parabolic systems like Solar Beam Concentrator manufactured by Solar Tron Energy Systems automatically turns the collector away from the sun to avoid overheating. Once the Solar Beam notices the need for more heat it focuses back on the sun and starts to collect more thermal energy.

The parabolic solar system used a well documented technology called Concentrated Solar Power which uses mirrors and tracking system to focus a large area of sunlight onto a small area. The concentrated light is then used as a heat source for a conventional power plant or is concentrated onto photovoltaic surfaces. A study done by Greenpeace International, the European Solar Thermal Electricity Association, and the International Energy Agency's Solar PACES group investigated the potential and future of concentrated solar power. The study found that concentrated solar power could account for up to 25% of the world's energy needs by 2050. Also, with this expansion of concentrated solar power, thousands of new jobs would be created and millions of tons of carbon dioxide would be prevented from being released.

Thermal energy is an excellent source of green energy since it can be used in its raw form to provide heating or cooling for commercial applications like hotels, wineries, hospitals, schools, stores etc. The parabolic solar can create enough thermal heat for use with absorption chillers to provide air conditioning. This optional is not available with standard flat panels and evacuated tube technology.

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Here the author Julia Herniak concludes the article Advantages of Parabolic Solar and Solar Power, visit
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Information about Toxic Waste

Toxic waste, sometimes called "hazardous waste," is material that can cause injury and/or death to living creatures.

Toxic waste is often material that has been discarded yet still poses long term risks to the environment and health. Because most hazardous waste material can migrate relatively easily it can contaminate rivers, lakes, and oceans.

The Industrial Revolution was the time when toxic waste started to become a significant issue. Mostly the product of commerce, hazardous waste can also be a byproduct of residential use. Lawn care products, cleaning products, and cosmetics have all done their part to harm the environment over the years.

Toxic material can also be part and parcel of some types of farming. Pesticides and fertilizers can wreck havoc on the land.

The list goes on and on.

The EPA - the United States Environmental Protection Agency - and the various state departments attempt to regulate hazardous waste in the US.

The U.S. EPA began to regulate toxic waste in 1976. The majority of the hazardous waste that is endangering communities today is waste that was dumped before the disposal of such toxic materials was strictly regulated.

The Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act regulates how toxic waste is to be stored and handled.

The Superfund Act, another act sponsored by the EPA, has rules about how to clean up hazardous waste that was illegally dumped.

The Environmental Protection Agency requires that special precautions be taken when hazardous materials are being handled. And they require that toxic waste is disposed of in one of the designated facilities that are around the USA.

Because waste facilities and waste transporters charge fees a lot of people end up dumping hazardous waste into their town dumps. If caught, they usually have to pay an expensive fine.

Since the EPA started to put laws such as these into effect corporations have been battling environmentalists and communities. Corporations want the government to remove or soften many of their rules. Environmentalists and communities want even stricter regulations.

The battle is still being waged.

However, a number of cities in the US are also fighting back. They have specific days when household toxic waste is collected. On those days, materials such as explosives, ammunition, hypodermic needles and syringes, other medical waste, smoke detectors, radioactive materials, and commercially generated waste are collected and disposed of properly.

If it is unlikely that toxic waste will migrate, and if it isn't dangerous, it is sealed in containers, placed under the ground in toxic waste facilities, and topped with hard clay. Eventually these facilities will often become parks or golf courses. Or they may be used for industrial or commercial purposes.
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Next, if you are considering purchasing property and need to find out about Phase I environmental site assessments, go to =>
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How To Cut Down Your Refrigerator's Energy Consumption

Did you know that about 14% of your household energy bill is the energy used by your refrigerator? The old models of refrigerators with zero eco-friendly and zero efficient features can increase energy bill by as much as $280. By simply switching to an efficient fridge, you can cut down on energy consumption.

On the other hand, it is also important to keep your fridge in a good condition. It should run efficiently so it can be relied on when it comes to cutting back on energy consumption. With that in mind, here are some energy conservation tips you would want to know:

1. Clean your refrigerator's coils

The coils are responsible for exhausting hot air. If cobwebs and dirt have accumulated in the coils, the fridge cannot exhaust hot air easily. Because of that, it might work harder in lowering the temperature in the refrigerator interior.

Make sure that there is a reliable expulsion of hot air. Try cleaning the coils using a shopvacuum. In most modern fridge brands, the coils are enclosed in a panel found at the back part of the machine. You might need to use a screw driver to remove the panel.

Do not push the fridge too closely to the wall. There should be at least 2 inches of space in between the wall and the fridge. This will make sure that hot air will be emitted properly. Moreover, you can also use this space to dry up small garments such as underwear and handkerchief.

2. Avoid storing hot foods

Let hot foods cool down first before storing them in the fridge. The temperature of the food can add up to the heat inside the fridge. This will make the machine work harder in lowering down the temperature. As a result, it consumes more energy.

Moreover, materials such as Pyrex and porcelain break faster if there is an abrupt switch in temperature. Do not immediately place hot porcelain o Pyrex inside the fridge or the materials might break or crack inside.

3. If you are not using up most of the space inside, try filling it up with pitchers of water

The machine tends to work harder in cooling down the spaces inside. If you don't have anything to store, just unplug the machine. If not, you can try filling up pitchers with water and store them inside the fridge.

These simple methods can cut down your refrigerator's energy consumption. You can save a lot of money every year if you follow these tips.

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There are various types of refrigratos in the market today. Check out to find out which tpe of fridge si the best choice for you.
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Simple ways to go Green for our Mother Earth

An increasing number of people now want to do their part to save the planet due to the worsening problems caused by global warming. Unfortunately, numerous people assume that going green is costly and time consuming. Read on to discover several immediate things you can do to get on the path to living green.

Recycling is the top way to start. A lot of people continue to place glass and aluminum items in their normal garbage even though recycling is not that hard to do today. In the US, it's not hard to locate a trash service that offers glass and aluminum recycling choices. Many people still continue to discard these items even though recycling bins are not hard to find. It merely takes a few minutes to wash off the cans and bottles before placing them into the recycle bin.

Newspapers are another item that overburdens our landfills. Virtually all people will merely take their daily paper and toss it in the garbage when they are done with it. But, there are many other uses that you can get out of your newsprint other than poring over it it. Did you know that you can keep your windows clean using newspapers? If you're tired of seeing small white fragments and streaks on your windowpanes after you clean them with paper towels and cleaner, try to use old newspapers instead. Several community groups run regular paper drives. Merely compile pile all of your old newspapers, put them in a stack, and see if the paper drive organizers will come to your location and pick them up.

One more thing that could help you to start to live green is to begin walking a bit more. Lots of people routinely drive short distances merely to buy one thing at their local corner market. If you just walk to the store, not only could it take less time, because you won't have to locate a parking spot, but you will be saving money on gas and helping to save planet Earth by not burning those fuels.

If you wish to save even more on gas, take the chance to car pool when you can and only mow your lawn two times a month instead of weekly. A gorgeous lawn is good to have but skipping an additional week before you mow again shouldn't significantly affect it. Using a manual push mower like those more normally used many, many years ago will help to save the environment even more. Numerous hardware shops still carry this type of mower.

When people make up their mind to try green living, it's easy to make a few lifestyle modifications that will benefit our environment. Likewise, you can find lots of info all over the Internet on other ways to start living green, you only have to look for it.

About The Author
I am significantly burning off bodyweight at present by using the following method, and I can certainly also remain in reach wheresoever I am.Going Green - Yes, You Can Do It

, Going Green - It's Not As Hard As You May Think

, Going Green Is A Lot Simpler Than Many People Think
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Sunday, February 23, 2014

What Is A Solar Oven?

I saw my first solar oven a year ago. My first reaction was amazement and general disbelief that a box with attached shiny reflectors could capture enough sunshine to develop a cooking temperature of 350 degrees inside the 19 inch square box and maintain it all day long by simply shifting its position to the sun every hour or so. The person demonstrating the cooking power of the sun actually cooked a five pound chicken with potatoes, onions and carrots in just one and a half hours.

Not only was it the tastiest chicken ever, it was incredibly juicy and succulent! The sun oven captures the short waves of the sun and turns them into heat energy inside the oven. The rays of the sun do not dry out the food; in addition, the carbohydrates in the food are caramelized, creating a unique taste unlike any other method of cooking. The sun oven is air tight so the moisture cannot escape allowing the food to become dry.

The second food I tasted from the solar oven was fresh baked bread. It was fantastically moist and sweet from the carmelization effects and literally melted in my mouth, along with the soft creamery butter. If I tried to describe the chocolate chip cookies, you would no doubt believe I was exaggerating their rapturous texture and sinful flavor! See I told you!

You guessed it: my wife and I bought one for our motor home, or rather two of them. On Christmas Eve we cooked a six pound chicken with carrots and onions, and in the other oven a pot of rice and corn muffins. Yes, we are hooked. At first I decided that the solar sun ovens were a practical thing to have, not only to save energy, but we would not have to run the noisy, stinky diesel generator to operate the electric oven on board the motor home. However, it wasn
t long before I realized how fantastic food tastes from the sun oven compared to a convection oven. It didnt take me long before I was cooking every meal except for the midnight snacks or meals on cloudy days.

I soon discovered that the majority of sun ovens are actually used by home owners to save on energy bills. In addition, their popularity is due to convenience and because the food tastes better. Food will never burn scorch or over cook in a solar sun oven. In the summer people heat up their houses when they cook and bake in their conventional gas or electric ovens. Then they expend additional energy to cool the house back down with air conditioning. With the sun oven you simply place it on a patio table, pop in the food in, adjust its position with the sun once or twice, and like magic, it
s meal time.

Prices of solar ovens range from $250 to $400 with the average sun oven paying for itself through energy savings before the warranty expires. Besides the obvious benefits of sun oven cooking, there is another side benefit: the oven is a basic stand-by survival appliance in the event of a natural or man-made disaster. You will be prepared with an alternative, energy-free means of cooking your daily meals without the need of charcoal, kerosene or propane, all of which can become scarce in a disaster.

Give a solar oven a try; you will undoubtedly be glad you did.

About The Author
Compare solar ovens & get free solar recipes from the "Sun Chef" at: Will you survive in hard times? Free list of links to the most popular items needed in preparation for a natural or man-made disaster (type of food etc.):

Douglas C. Hoover, CEO of Aquamedia Corp, is a free-lance writer and author. Designed and constructed waterfalls for 30 years in southern California.
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How to Reuse and Recycle Paper, Books and Mags

As consumers demand the need for more paper, whether it's for newspapers, plain paper or books, we continue to cut down vast numbers of really old trees. It will take numerous years to see this turned over. Reusing and recycling paper is really important nowadays.

All paper, including books and magazines, are virtually wholly biodegradable, meaning they don't clog landfills for many years and will merely degrade into nothing. The fact that there is a need for more paper makes it appear daft not to recycle as much as we possibly can. That is why we should reuse and recycle.

The traditional means of recycling paper is by making use of recycling facilities. You will observe that where you dwell, there are opportunities to recycle, including in numerous cases your local grocery store. You may notice that your local area has different bins so you can sort your paper for recycling. So that the paper can be usable once again, the recycling process should be put in place. This saves the trees and makes for a healthy environment. Paper recycling is not always straightforward and can be made challenging by the stapling of books and mags. Magnets may be utilized to handle the problems of metal and recycling companies are constantly try to find ways to better the process.

Mags and books can be reused, it is only a matter of using our imagination. Those old books and magazines are a fantastic learning resource for your kids and they will have the chance to give them to other people in the future. An old book will be of use to somebody else and it is not hard for us give it this way.

There are always places like libraries that are happy to take your old books from you. Some libraries will take donations of old books and even magazines, providing they are in good condition. The library and the public will be more glad since they will have more reading choices. So instead of merely tossing a book or leaving it to collect dust, think about giving it to a library.

Books can also be sold instead of given away either locally or online. EBay and Amazon are popular places online where you can try selling your old books.

To sum it up, paper is being utilized more and more but fewer trees. Beasts use trees as a natural home ground and they are essential for the wellbeing of the environment. There are plenty of choices for us to recycle paper and to ensure that books and magazines are reused instead of thrown away.

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If you are looking for tons of diverse choices for this coming Halloween period then you could want to continue examining this post.Greatest Couples Halloween Costumes for 2010
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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Looking for Seeds

I have currently following seeds with me,
  1. Holy Basil (तुळस)
  2. घोसावळ
  3. Neem (कडूनिंब)
If anyone needs these seeds for their garden then they can contact me.