Tuesday, February 17, 2015

My life with IDBI Federal Lifesurance Whole Life - Befikar Umar Bhar

With human revolution and evolution, life on this planet becomes very easy but at the same time due to high competition everywhere we have many constraints which force us back. Everyone has dreams, some of them where possible in life and some of the dreams are only imaginary and cannot be achievable due to life constraints like money problem, age factor, family problems, social constraints etc. So in short our life is nothing but a dream in which are living by setting some goals and continuously developing our self to achieve these goals.
Now imagine that all the constraints of your life where removed by some mean and no one is there to pull you back. Wow! That’s sound very interesting. Definitely if such condition comes in your life you will be the happiest person on the earth and you will achieve everything that was only your dream and imagination. Now if I ever get a chance to live freely without any life constrains then I will do the following things which I want to do in my life,

1) A dream farm

If there is no any financial problem in my life then the first thing I want to do is the farming. Yes, I like farming very much. Now because of today’s generation and constrains in farming my parents decided that I should become an engineer and then get some job in the market for surviving in the society. But personally I like farming very much because farmer is the most important content of the human society without which no one can get the food. So from my vision farming is the most respectful and essential work without which life is not possible. So if all constrains of my life where removed then I will start farming in a country side. I will divide the field in to 2 sections. In one section I will build one small hunt where I will live with minimum things that are required for life then in second section I will develop the farm with variety of vegetables and grains. I will work hard in the farm and develop a beautiful fully organic farm.

2) A world tour

Form childhood I want to visit many beautiful foreign countries like USA, Australia, Japan, China, Malaysia, UK etc. There are so many countries on this planet that are full with the beautiful landscapes, lovely people and delicious varieties of food. But due my financial condition I can’t go for a world trip. So if in future my financial constrains where removed then I will go for a world tour. It is a incredible experience to meet the new people share the thoughts with them and live with them in their country.

3) To become a Explorer

Yes! Exploring the hidden secrets of the Ancient world is my dream. We all know that the ancient cultures like Haddapa, mohenjodado, Ancient Egypt were well developed. It is believed that those people can fly in the sky with their own spacecraft. There are so many things that yet to discover. So if all the constrains of my life where removed then ai want to become an Explorer of Ancient world.

4) Become a Doctor

You may laugh on me but yes it is true that I want to become doctor. But as I obtained less marks in the medical entrance exam, I could not join the medical profession and instead of that joined Engineering College. Today I am an engineer. Of course I am not feeling guilty for becoming engineer but it was my dream to become Doctor and curing the patients form their diseases. So if someone rotates the time back in the past then I will again study hard and get the admission in the medical college.

5) Watching cricket match for lifetime

Hahaha, yes I like to watch the cricket match very much. But due to my service and work load I could not able to enjoy the cricket match at all. So if the constraint is removed from my life then I will watch the cricket match all the time. Especially I would like to watch match between India and Pakistan.

Finally I would like to say that these are all my dreams which are kept in one corner of my heart and because of so much life constraints I know I will not able to achieve them. Here I would like to thank you IDBI bank to write on a wonderful topic that touches every ones heart.
This post is specifically written for IDBI bank in association with Indiblogger.in
To know more about it click here http://bit.ly/BefikarUmarBhar
 and see the following video.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Experience Unconditional Love with the Zenfone for your valentine

If you are searching for gift for valentine day than the only one gift that I want to purchase is Asus Zenfone. So from my point of view if I ever got chance to celebrate the valentine day then I will give a great surprise to my wife. Before the 14th of February I will not tell her anything about the celebration which will hold for her. I will behave normally until the 14th and on the morning I will wake up early in the morning before my wife wake up. Then I am going to keep one gift in front of her bed. That gift is nothing but the ASUS Zenfone. I know that the Asus Zenfone not only brings smile on her face but also changes the life of my loved one.
Incredible design with excellent product is the identity of Asus Zenfone. Zenfone has all the specifications that a super smart phone has. Asus has launched many varieties of Zenfone such as Asus Zenfone 5 A501CG , Asus Zenfone 4 A400CXG, Asus Zenfone C ZC451CG, Asus Zenfone 6 A600CG / A601CG etc. Now if I ever get a chance to celebrate the valentine day then definitely I will prefer Asus Zenfone because of the following reasons,

1.Battery life -How its feel if you are in danger and want to make a emergency call but your phone says battery is low and then it switches off. Right it is the worst moment of your life. So I will always prefer the phone having good battery that can last longer without frequent charging. Now Asus Zenfone comes with 2100 to 3300 mAh battery that can last for longer time and you can use the phone without any problem and without frequent charging.

2.RAM -Now all new Asus Zenfone have 2GB RAM so you can play any game without any lag. Generally 2 GB of RAM is used in case of computers and laptops where we are doing a lot of multitasking work. So this phone will run very smooth like butter due to use of such a high RAM. There will be no any lag and multitasking becomes very easy.

3.Display -Asus has excellent display and all the Asus Zenfones are comes with at least 5 inch 10-finger Multi-touch Panel display having Corning Gorilla Glass 3. These displays also support Glove Touch Input having IPS Display. So that is incredible experience to watch full HD movie on your Asus Zenfone. Also the Corning Gorilla Glass 3 safe guard your display from any scratch or shocks that can be takes place during day to day life.

4.Lifetime ASUS Web Storage -5 GB Free Lifetime ASUS Web Storage is provided by the Asus for all the users. So you can save your important files safely on this Asus web storage and can access them whenever you want. So there is no need to carry your important documents with you. That reduces your dependency on pen drives or hard disks and can save your time too.

5.Processor -1.6 GHz + Intel Atom Z2560 Processor with Intel Hyper Threading Technology, Dual Core is used in the Asus Zenfone that brings your performance of phone at top level. Intel is the number one company that makes the processor and the Atom Processor with Intel Hyper Threading Technology along with Dual core processor helps to run your phone very fast likes a rocket. So there is no any delay or lag when you run any application also the multi tasking becomes very easy and effective.

I think we can celebrate the valentine day not only with our girlfriend or boy friend but we can celebrate the valentine day with our loved ones such as our parents, friends, relatives, pets and everyone who is directly and indirectly involved with us. The valentine day will gives a chance to express our sincere thanks those who helps and love us but due to today’s life we can’t thank them in return. So I am calling the valentine day a thanks giving day on which we can increase our love and relations with our friends and family members. And by giving Asus Zenfone like gift to our loved ones, we are helping to bring our relations to a new height of joy.
This post is written for Asus Zenfone contest in association with Indi blogger. To know more go to the following link http://www.flipkart.com/asus

 To know more watch the following video,

Friday, February 06, 2015

We are Destroyers of Earth

I am wordless........following images says everything……..

(Image source : http://en.wikipedia.org/ and http://wiki.ubc.ca)

The time will come when earth no longer remain livable for live things. Please watch Wall E movie again and again and again and again............

You are responsible for the future of the Earth

One of the most dangerous water pollution is the petroleum oil spillage in the water bodies like sea and rivers. Millions of year ago life on the earth started the journey inside water. After that, with the evolution of aquatic life especially aquatic plants were successfully developed and they produce the key of today’s life that is “OXYGEN”. Those days the atmosphere does not contain the Oxygen. These aquatic plants produce oxygen in the photosynthesis process and released it to the atmosphere. So that the level of oxygen slowly increases and then the life on the land comes in to existence.
With the human evolution and revolution the percentage of trees that covers the land decreases. Human destroyed the forests for building homes and creating fields. But still we can breathe today because of the existence of the aquatic plants that produces the life ingredient “Oxygen”. But human still engaged him to destroy that aquatic life also by polluting the sea water by number of means. One of the biggest pollution causes is Oil spillage.
(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/)

An oil spill is the release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the environment, especially marine areas, due to human activity, and is a form of pollution. The term is usually applied to marine oil spills, where oil is released into the ocean or coastal waters, but spills may also occur on land. Oil spills may be due to releases of crude oil from tankers, offshore platforms, drilling rigs and wells, as well as spills of refined petroleum products (such as gasoline, diesel) and their by-products, heavier fuels used by large ships such as bunker fuel, or the spill of any oily refuse or waste oil.

(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/)

Spilt oil penetrates into the structure of the plumage of birds and the fur of mammals, reducing its insulating ability, and making them more vulnerable to temperature fluctuations and much less buoyant in the water. Slowly the marine life will destroyed, as the water surface gets covered with black oil layer, the photosynthesis process totally stops working causes shutting down the production of Oxygen and then you will not breathe any more on this planet Earth.

Our Earth is in danger and you are responsible for it. If you can’t save the earth then your next generation will not survive. When the time comes to leave the earth and shift the human being on to the new planet then you know that only few top most people can only be rescue and other millions of people will die on the earth.

Sunday, February 01, 2015

Pimples and the Psychological problems with teens

With the human evolution emotions are building up in human mind which are essential to live on earth in as we are living in a group or society. The emotions are the one of the main identity of human being. The emotions are shown on our face, right from the anger to happiness everything is shown on our face. We remember our family members, our friends, our teachers and every one with his or her face in our mind. So face of every human is his identity. There is no any emotion present that is hidden from our face. A smiley and fresh looking face attracts everyone. It is not important that our skin should be white to feel good but it is important that our face should have some shining which adds great impact on the people with whom we communicate in day to day life. You may notice that the young teenagers keep their face clean and neat every time. Teenagers spend lot of time in front of mirror to look good in the society, This is because they very well know that face is the most impressing part of our body and the communication between two people can be effectively improve by proper face emotions and shining on the face.
But what happen if the face is having pimples on it? Yes your guess is right. Facial problems like pimples affect the psychological behavior of the people. Pimples influence your self-esteem, self-confidence, and your outlook in general. Even mild breakouts can negatively impact how you feel about yourself. Many studies have been done on the effects of acne on quality of life. Depression and anxiety are more common in those with acne than the general population. Interestingly, acne severity does not seem to be a factor in the level of depression or anxiety. So the pimple problem not only affects the health of our body but more affects on the psychology.
One incidence was happen with my cousin related with the acne or pimple. She was sixteen at that time and passes through the maturity causes due to the secretion of hormones in the body. She was confident student and claver too. But pimples impact her life very badly. During Initial phase of the pimple, her life was normal but after increased impact of the pimple, her look changes drastically. My cousin who looks pretty and sweet turns out to be a nervous face all the time.  She feels abashed when she was attending any family program like marriage or party. Also her confidence lowers down as she could not stand in front of anybody face to face. My cousin now tries to stay away from the friends and other neighboring people as she feel unusual with her pimpled face. She went in to some depression mode as she tries to isolate her from the others.
Then my cousin takes therapy from the skin doctor and then the problem slowly vanishes with regular medicines. During the discussion with the skin doctor we better understand the pimple problems especially associated with the teen age girls. I have summarized the points told by the doctor to prevent pimple,
  1. Regularly wash your face with at least 3 times a day.
  2. Eat healthy food which includes green vegetables, soups, garlic etc.
  3. Regular exercise of the body opens all the pours of the sweat glands due to sweating action. So, daily 1 hour excursive is essential for our body.
  4. Drink at least 5 liters of fresh water daily.
  5. Use face wash regularly to wash your face as the face wash contains certain health beneficial agents that helps to remove the dirt and dust particles that blocks the oil passages and sweat passages of oil glands and sweat glands respectively.

After all face is the identity of the human being and our face should always look fresh and shining. There are very good face wash available in the market. Anyone can use these face wash regularly to keep their face away from the pimples and acne.
Here I want to thank indiblogger team and Garnier to give me chance to express my thoughts regarding the pimples and psychological problems associated with the pimples with the teenagers. Thank you very much indiblogger team and Garnier. You can know more about here,